SoD Dragons: Boulder Class

Published on by WhispertheWolf


Sex: Male

Species: Groncicle

Another main dragon of mine is Icevein. Icevein is a brave and strong but extremely sweet dragon. Winterwind and I rescued him as a baby and reunited him with his wild family. When he was a teen, his family was in trouble, and we helped them again. After that, Icevein decided to give up his home and family to be my dragon. He is a natural-born leader and has the kindest and loyalest of hearts.

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Sex: Male

Species: Groncicle

Hoarfrost is Icevein's father. He's very protective of his family.

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Sex: Female

Species: Groncicle

Permafrost is Icevein's mother. She can be very loving but is often overtaxed with managing her family.

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Sex: Female

Species: Groncicle

Firn is Icevein's younger sister, a very shy and sweet dragon. I rescued her when Mildew threw her egg into the sea.

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Sex: Male

Species: Groncicle

Snowblast is Icevein's younger brother, a brash and strong youth who admires his brother. I rescued him when Mildew threw his egg into the sea.

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Sex: Female

Species: Groncicle

Krystal is Icevein's younger sister, a somewhat vain and headstrong individual. I rescued her when Mildew threw her egg into the sea.

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Sex: Male

Species: Groncicle

Coldnip is a wise elder among the Groncicles of Icestorm Island, as old as the glacier itself. He's based on the Frozen Groncicle from Dragons: Rise of Berk.


Sex: Male

Species: Gronckle

I got Boulderdash for the Gronckle quest. He is a very calm and sweet dragon, perfect for children and for loaning out to friends, but he can sometimes be kind of stubborn, a bit like a fat pony. He looks very fierce in his wild saddle, but it's all show.


Sex: Female

Species: Gronckle (Titan Wing)

This ancient and powerful creature still has a heart as soft as a bed of roses.


Sex: Female

Species: Hotburple

Honormaid is calm and quiet and almost always sleeping. She's like a big sofa you can lounge on and, while she can be grumpy, she's very easy-going and will mother everyone.


Sex: Male

Species: Catastrophic Quaken

Stonemaw is super sensative and gets mad very easily. He's a big puppy at heart but only with people he's come to think of as family.

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Sex: Male

Species: Grapple Grounder

Redwolf is the aggressive wrestling champion of my stables. He will pick a fight with anyone who comes his way. He's a surprisingly loyal partner to his friends, though.

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Sex: Male

Species: Eruptodon

Meteorblast is a god-like dragon, powerful and respected.


Sex: Male

Species: Whispering Death

Sawtooth was one of the eggs Alvin left in the Whispering Death tunnels. He's been quite a handful from the start and is my least trustworthy dragon. I never let anyone else ride him for this reason. But he can look like an impressive partner if he has a firm hand on him.

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Sex: Female

Species: Whispering Death (Titan Wing)

Bramble is one of the most vicious dragons I've ever had the pleasure of working with, but you can reason with her on account of honor, which she will try her upmost to uphold.


Sex: Male

Species: Whispering Death (Screaming Death mutation)

Furious has unfortunately taken after Sawtooth, who he sees as his daddy. This young but powerful Screaming Death is troublesome and has quite a temper. It can sometimes be a struggle convincing him not to sink the island.

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Sex: Female

Species: Whispering Death (Screamign Death mutation; Titan Wing)

It is unknown just how old Merciless is, but she is an ancient dragon, mysterious, ruthless, and wise. She thinks of herself as a bit of a philosopher but often lacks empathy for others.


Sex: Female

Species: Snafflefang

Fastidious and flirty, Gemtooth is really just a big ham. She loves attention!

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Sex: Female

Species: Shovelhelm

This dragon is one of the most genial and helpful dragons you'll ever meet, and she'll always clean up after you.


Sex: Male

Species: Thunderpede

Brutish and hostile, Stonefist will chase out any stranger. But once he comes to know you, he'll give you bone-crushing hugs!

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